The Portable Alkaline Ionizer converts regular drinking water into alkaline and ionized water that you can enjoy anywhere, anytime.
Scientifically combined minerals built within the bottle are activated upon contact with the water – resulting in enhanced, great tasting drinking water.
Why Alkaline Water?
Research indicates our physiologies function optimally when we are neither too acidic or too alkaline. Unfortunately with today’s hectic lifestyle, unbalanced diet, lack of exercise and environmental pollutants we tend to be more acidic.
Drinking alkaline water may help the body maintain an optimal healthy pH balance. The UltraCeram® Portable Alkaline Ionizer makes it easier
to enjoy alkaline water anytime, anywhere.
How Does it Work?
The bottle contains two natural mineral stone filters. Simply fill the bottle with your drinking water and the minerals are activated upon contact – creating alkaline, ionized water.
The two filters contained within the Portable Alkaline Ionizer consist of the following minerals:
- Clay
- Zeolite
- Tourmaline
- Muyu Jade
- Rare Earth
- Kaolin Earth
- Maifanshi Stone
- Far-infrared Stone
Key Features
- Raise pH level (range of 8pH – 9.5pH)
- Produces Negative Ions
- Mineral Rich, Great Tasting Water
- Lower ORP (Oxygen Reduction Potential)
- Declusters Water Molecules for Better Absorption
- Stainless Steel Manufcture
- Low Maintenance & Easy To Clean
- Replacement Filter Included
- Cartridge Life 6 months when using 2-3 Litres per day
Width – 95mm
Height – 210mm
Depth – 95mm
Weight – 500gm